About 焱一居酒屋 Enitsu Bar & Grill
「焱一」日文ENITSU,EN在日文同有「緣」的意思。一期一會,主廚會竭盡誠意去看待每一次的相遇緣份,為客人送上最上盛的料理 "焱一" in Japanese is ENITSU. In Japanese, "EN" also carries the meaning of "fate" or "connection." With the concept of "ichi-go ichi-e," the chef approaches each encounter with utmost sincerity, offering guests the finest cuisine.15% off entire menu
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鹽燒雞扒定食 Grilled Chicken Thigh Set
$102.00美國厚切牛舌芯 American Thick Beef Tongue
$76.00蒜香封門牛柳 American Hanger Steak with Garlic and Green Onion
$63.00鐵板香蒜燒熊本和牛粒定食 Teppanyaki Garlic Japanese Beef Set
$128.00日式煎餃子 Pan-Fried Dumplings
$59.00香脆牛蒡蕃茄沙律 Tomato Salad With Burdock Root Chips
$59.00日式芝麻豆腐沙律 Tofu Salad with Sesame Dressing
$59.00自家製免治蟹肉棒 Homemade Minced Crab
$63.00豬軟骨豚骨湯烏冬 Pork Sofe Bone Soup Udon
$89.00香蒜櫻花蝦枝豆 Garilc Chips Edamame with Sakura Shrimp
午市定食套餐 Lunch Sets Menu
鹽燒雞扒定食 Grilled Chicken Thigh Set
所有定食内附前菜、味噌湯及玄米茶或罐裝汽水 | All set include appetiser, Japan tea or soft drink.$102.00和風滑蛋牛肉鍋定食 Japanese Smooth Egg and Beef Hotpot Set
所有定食内附前菜、味噌湯及玄米茶或罐裝汽水 | All set include appetiser, Japan tea or soft drink.$115.00吉列豬扒定食 Deep-fried Pork Chop Set
所有定食内附前菜、味噌湯及玄米茶或罐裝汽水 | All set include appetiser, Japan tea or soft drink.$89.00龍田炸雞豚骨湯烏冬 Deep-fried Chicken Udon
所有定食内附前菜、味噌湯及玄米茶或罐裝汽水 | All set include appetiser, Japan tea or soft drink.$89.00燒汁香煎牛舌定食 Ox Tongue Set
所有定食内附前菜、味噌湯及玄米茶或罐裝汽水 | All set include appetiser, Japan tea or soft drink.$102.00吉列蝦餅虎蝦濃湯烏冬 Deep-fried Shrimp Cake Udon
所有定食内附前菜、味噌湯及玄米茶或罐裝汽水 | All set include appetiser, Japan tea or soft drink.$115.00生薑燒黑毛豬定食 Iberico Pork with Ginger Sauce Set
所有定食内附前菜、味噌湯及玄米茶或罐裝汽水 | All set include appetiser, Japan tea or soft drink.$102.00豬軟骨豚骨湯烏冬 Pork Soft Bone Udon
所有定食内附前菜、味噌湯及玄米茶或罐裝汽水 | All set include appetiser, Japan tea or soft drink.$89.00鹽燒鯖魚定食 Grilled Mackerel Set
所有定食内附前菜、味噌湯及玄米茶或罐裝汽水 | All set include appetiser, Japan tea or soft drink.$102.00蒲燒鰻魚定食 Broiled Eel Set
所有定食内附前菜、味噌湯及玄米茶或罐裝汽水 | All set include appetiser, Japan tea or soft drink.$128.00
晚市定食套餐 Dinner Set Menu
鐵板香蒜燒熊本和牛粒定食 Teppanyaki Garlic Japanese Beef Set
奉送:玄米茶、味噌湯、珍珠白飯(可加錢轉配稻庭手打烏冬) Give Away: Japanese Tea , Miso Soup, Rice(Can change the rice to Udon with Price)$128.00生姜燒汁黑毛豬定食 Iberico Pork with Ginger Sauce Set
奉送:玄米茶、味噌湯、珍珠白飯(可加錢轉配稻庭手打烏冬) Give Away: Japanese Tea , Miso Soup, Rice(Can change the rice to Udon with Price)$115.00滑蛋壽喜燒牛肉野菜鍋定食 Smooth Egg and Sukiyaki Beef Hoppot Set
奉送:玄米茶、味噌湯、珍珠白飯(可加錢轉配稻庭手打烏冬) Give Away: Japanese Tea , Miso Soup, Rice(Can change the rice to Udon with Price)$115.00吉烈芝士豬扒定食 Deep-Fried Cheese Pork Chop Set
奉送:玄米茶、味噌湯、珍珠白飯(可加錢轉配稻庭手打烏冬) Give Away: Japanese Tea , Miso Soup, Rice(Can change the rice to Udon with Price)$102.00鹽燒鯖花魚定食 Grilled Mackerel Set
奉送:玄米茶、味噌湯、珍珠白飯(可加錢轉配稻庭手打烏冬) Give Away: Japanese Tea , Miso Soup, Rice(Can change the rice to Udon with Price)$115.00岩塩燒脆皮地雞定食 Rock Salt Roasted Crispy ChickenThigh Set
奉送:玄米茶、味噌湯、珍珠白飯(可加錢轉配稻庭手打烏冬) Give Away: Japanese Tea , Miso Soup, Rice(Can change the rice to Udon with Price)$115.00
一品料理&酒肴 A La Carte Appetizer
香脆牛蒡蕃茄沙律 Tomato Salad With Burdock Root Chips
$59.00日式煎餃子 Pan-Fried Dumplings
$59.00香蒜櫻花蝦枝豆 Garilc Chips Edamame with Sakura Shrimp
$59.00日式芝麻豆腐沙律 Tofu Salad with Sesame Dressing
$59.00香脆三文魚皮蕃茄沙律 Tomato Salad with Salmon Skin Chips
$59.00海膽溶岩魚餅 Sea Urchin Lava Fish Cake
$59.00雙重芝士焗牛油粟米 Double Cheese Baked Butter Corn
$59.00柚子酸汁薄切牛舌 Ponzu America Thin Beef Tongue
$50.00銀雪魚干 Dried Black Cod
$50.00熒光魷魚 Fipefly Squid
$50.00芥辣八爪魚 Octopus Wasabi
$50.00燒芝士年糕 Grilled Chesse Rice Cake
$50.00味淋魚干 Dried Puffer Fish with Mirin
炸物 Deep-Fried
炸甜蝦 Fried Baby Sweet Shrimp
$63.00脆辣炸芝士 Fried Crispy and Spicy Cheese
$50.00海苔炸魷魚 Fried Seaweed Squid
$55.00吉列炸蝦餅 Fried Shrimp Cake
$76.00唐揚脆雞 Chicken Karaage
$76.00龍田炸深海鮟鱇魚 Fried Monkfish
牛&豬串燒 Beef and Pork Skewers
美國厚切牛舌芯 American Thick Beef Tongue
$76.00白金豚頸肉 Shire Kane Pork Neck
$37.00荔枝豚肉卷 Lychee Pork Roll
$37.00蒜香封門牛柳 American Hanger Steak with Garlic and Green Onion
$63.00伊比利亞橡果豚肋肉 Iberico de Bellota Pork Rib
$39.00白金豚花肉 Shiro kane Pork Belly
$37.00鵪鶉蛋豚肉卷 Quail Egg Pork Roll
$37.00澳洲和牛小排 Australia Beef Rib
$89.00芝士車厘茄豚肉卷 Cheery Tomato Pork Roll with Cheese
$37.00酸薑紫蘇豚肉卷 Vinegar Ginger And Shiso Pork Roll
$37.00白桃豚肉卷 Peach Pork Roll
鳥串燒 Tori
雞腿肉 Chicken Thigh
$37.00雞腎 Chiucken Gizzad
$37.00雞心 Chicken Heart
$37.00雞軟骨 Chicken Cartilage
$29.00鵪鶉蛋 Quail Egg
$29.00風箏雞翼 Chicken Wing "Kite"
$42.00雞頸肉 Chicken Neck
$50.00雞肝 Chicken Liver
$37.00雞皮 Chicken Skin
海鮮串燒 Seafood
魷魚 Squid
$37.00多春魚(2條) Capelin(2 Pieces)
$37.00自家製免治蟹肉棒 Homemade Minced Crab
$63.00三文魚腩 Salmon Belly
$50.00秋葵蝦膠 Okra Shrimp Paste
$37.00活鰻 Fresh Eel
$63.00虎蝦紫蘇豚肉卷 Tiger Prawn Shiso Pork Roll
$63.00海虎蝦 Tiger Prawn
$50.00三文魚鰭 Salmon Fin
蔬菜串燒 Vegetables
鮮冬菇 Shiitake Mushroom
$24.00厚燒豆腐 Tofu
$29.00甜粟米 Sweet Corn
$29.00青椒仔 Green Pepper
$29.00蕃薯仔 Sweet Potatoes
$24.00芝士櫻花蝦翠玉瓜 Zucchini with Cheese and Sakus Shrimp
$29.00銀杏 Ginkgo Nuts
$29.00秋葵 Okra
$24.00白磨菇 White Mushroom
飯類,烏冬&湯 Rice Udon & Soup
豬軟骨豚骨湯烏冬 Pork Sofe Bone Soup Udon
$89.00芝心燒飯團 Yaki Onigini with Cheese
$37.00海帶味噌湯 Miso Soup
$20.00芝士蟹膏焗飯 Baked Crab Cream Rice With Cheese
$128.00焱一灸燒蟹膏飯 Aburi Crab Cream Rice
$128.00蒲燒鰻魚飯 Broiled Eel Rice
$115.00吉列蝦餅虎蝦濃湯烏冬 Deep-fried Shrimp Cake Udon
$102.00泡菜豆腐湯 Kimchi Tofu Soup
$37.00珍珠白飯 Rice